Free Sample Essay: Great Civilizations

All great civilizations throughout human history have had major urban centers where culture, philosophy, and policy are crafted and refined. It is crucial for those who long to learn about the most important characteristics of a society to focus historiographical, anthropological, and sociological efforts on the bustling hubs to which citizens from the proletariat asContinue reading “Free Sample Essay: Great Civilizations”

Free Sample Essay: Heroes

  Every school-age child can rattle off a list of real heroes, from Davy Crocket to Rosa Parks. In history books, these heroes are portrayed as epitomizing the highest ideals of society. But all people are complex and imperfect, even our most well-loved heroes, and the textbooks tend to present sanitized and oversimplified accounts. ForContinue reading “Free Sample Essay: Heroes”

Sample Essay: Ideas

While in scarce instances, individuals who are immersed in a field they are passionate about are also cognizant of the accompanying drawbacks; in most cases, fervent supporters of an idea tend to be less critical of the proposition. In fact, the popular expression “blinded by passion” embodies the notion that deep commitment may stem fromContinue reading “Sample Essay: Ideas”

Sample Essay: Scandals

At times, problems have reached the forefront of public awareness, not through the efforts of a speaker or reformer, but through a scandal. A prominent example occurred in 1991, when law professor Anita Hill testified that she had been sexually assaulted by Clarence Thomas, who was about to be appointed as the Associate Justice ofContinue reading “Sample Essay: Scandals”

Sample Essay: Social Responsibility

Every living creature, every individual bit of flora, apart from being aesthetically pleasing or serving as a means to satiate humanity’s wants and needs, is an element of a complex system. All species are inextricably linked in ecological relationships, and the eradication or extinction of a species can lead to the devastation of an environment.Continue reading “Sample Essay: Social Responsibility”

Sample Essay: Quick-Paced Living

Avid technology enthusiasts are jubilant about the progress that human civilization has made over the past century. Thanks to innovations in almost every arena, from communications to transportation, people can work much more efficiently. A letter that would have taken days to send a hundred years ago now reaches is recipient in seconds. While ourContinue reading “Sample Essay: Quick-Paced Living”

Sample Essay: Opinion

I disagree with the statement that, in any situation, progress requires discussion among people who have contrasting points of view. However, my disagreement is with the specific wording of this statement, rather than with the spirit that it expresses. In other words, by and large, I believe this statement is true—but I cannot endorse itContinue reading “Sample Essay: Opinion”

Sample Essay: Endangered Species

I tentatively agree with the statement that society should make efforts to save endangered species only if the potential extinction of those species is the result of human activities. In a healthy, functioning ecosystem, extinction is simply part of the ecological life cycle. It is accompanied, and balanced, by a continual process of speciation, inContinue reading “Sample Essay: Endangered Species”

Sample Essay: Modern-day Life

I disagree with the statement that the luxuries and conveniences of contemporary life prevent people from developing into truly strong and independent individuals. There is a pernicious but pervasive idea that our ancestors were more “true to themselves” than those of us in the modern world, because they lived lives that were closer to theContinue reading “Sample Essay: Modern-day Life”

Sample Essay: Modern-Day Life

It is not uncommon for older people to bemoan the shortcomings of the current generation. Millennials are often referred to as lazy, self-indulgent, and attention-seeking, and are frequently accused of being addicted to instant gratification. These older people typically believe that hard work builds character. Thus, according to them, people who grow up with modernContinue reading “Sample Essay: Modern-Day Life”