Sample Essay: Image

As Shakespeare wrote in King Lear, “We will all laugh at gilded butterflies.” In modern society, these words still apply, as a lacquered, golden exterior is often valued over internal substance. I agree with the claim that in today’s society, creating an appealing image is given more thought than the truth behind that image. ThisContinue reading “Sample Essay: Image”

Sample Essay: Education

Educators should take students’ interests into account when planning the content of the courses they teach—depending on the practicality of applying their interests to course content and objectives. Of course, if someone is interested in a subject, he will be more willing to learn it, in turn devoting more time and energy to the class.Continue reading “Sample Essay: Education”

Sample Essay: Education

In the United States, it is no secret that public schools—especially in inner cities—tend to be underfunded and that hence, volunteer parents are an invaluable help to the education system. However, “requiring” volunteering is an oxymoron in itself; anything mandatory would no longer be technically considered “volunteer” work. All parents should most certainly not beContinue reading “Sample Essay: Education”