Tackling the Issue Essay: The Instructions, Explained

Remember those “trick” worksheets your teachers gave you in elementary school that asked you to answer a series of questions, but the directions also said to read all questions before beginning? The last question said something like, “Write your name at the top and skip all other questions.” Our teachers weren’t deliberately annoying us; theyContinue reading “Tackling the Issue Essay: The Instructions, Explained”

Sample Essay: Education

  Until relatively recently, American education has focused almost exclusively on rote memorization. However, thanks to the rise of progressive reforms in the field of education, teachers are beginning to create curricula that promote the acquisition of abstract knowledge, including ideas and trends. Facts are still taught, but teachers are more interested in students’ abilityContinue reading “Sample Essay: Education”

Sample Essay: Opinions

It is sometimes argued that people learn best from those that share similar views, and that exposure to those who hold differing views places people in untenably stressful situations. This stress prevents learning from taking place. However, this claim rests on the assumption that stress is detrimental to learning, while research demonstrates that this isContinue reading “Sample Essay: Opinions”